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News Zoho Analytics

28.10.22 04:13 PM By Bohdana
zoho analytics news

New Data Type - Duration

Zoho Analytics now supports time duration as a data type. This opens up a whole new category of temporal data analytics. Now you can find out how long it took you to do something, complete your projects, close tickets, win a deal, etc., to draw appropriate conclusions and make decisions.

zoho analytics news 2022

To enable advanced analytic parameters based on Duration data type, Zoho Analyticsprovides more than 20 new features. The table below summarizes the main ones. 

  - add_duration(duration_column, duration_column)Add Duration  - add_duration(duration_column, duration_column)Returns Duration in default format ('%D.%H:%m:%s'), adding values to the specified duration columns.
  • add_duration ('5.0:0:0', '2.1:2:3') = 7.1:2:3
  • add_duration ('3.5:20:30', '1.30:45:40') = 5.12:06:10('3.5:20:30', '1.30:45:40') = 5.12:06:10('3.5:20:30', '1.30:45:40') = 5.12:06:10
(Hours/Minutes/Seconds/Weeks) to Duration -  add_days_to_duration (duration_column, num_of_days)Add Days (Hours/Minutes/Seconds/Weeks) to Duration -  add_days_to_duration (duration_column, num_of_days) Returns Duration in default format ('%D.%H:%m:%s'), adding the number of days (hours/minutes/seconds/weeks) to the specified duration column. add_days_to_duration
('100.11:22:33', 5)= 105.11:22:33
 Duration to Month (Days/Hours/ Minutes/Seconds/Weeks/Years) - Duration_to_months
 Determines the number of months (days/hours/minutes/seconds/weeks/years) present in the Duration value and returns it as a number. duration_to_months
('500.10:35:23') = 16
Make Duration - make_duration
(num_of_years, num_of_months, num_of_weeks, num_of_days, num_of_hours, num_of_minutes, num_of_seconds)
 Calculates Duration using the given number of years, months, weeks, days, hours, minutes and seconds. Returns the calculated values in the default format ('%D.%H:%m:%s').
Enter 0 if any of the specified arguments (years, months, weeks, days, hours, minutes and seconds) have no value.
('1', '11', 0, '21', '9', 50,' 5.777') = 721.10:59:23
 Subtract Duration - sub_duration(duration_column, duration_column) Returns Duration in the default format ('%D.%H:%m:%s') by subtracting the values in the specified duration columns.
  • sub_duration ('5.05:03:04', '2.01:00:00') = 3.04:03:04
  • sub_duration ('2.01:00:00', '5.05:03:04') = -3.04:03:04
Subtract Days (Hours/Minutes/Seconds/Weeks)  from Duration - sub_days_from_duration
(duration_column, num_of_days)
 Returns Duration in the default format ('%D.%H:%m:%s') by subtracting the specified number of days (hours/minutes/seconds/weeks) from the specified duration column.
  • sub_days_from_duration ('9.07:06:06', 5) = 4.07:06:06
  • sub_days_from_duration ('9.07:06:06', 10) = -0.16:53:54('9.07:06:06', 10) = -0.16:53:54('9.07:06:06', 10) = -0.16:53:54
To Duration - to_duration(numeric_column)Converts the given column with the number of seconds to Duration.
  • to_duration(40) = 0.00:00:40
  • to_duration(23540) = 0.06:32:20

Support for importing from new data sources

Zoho developers have expanded the list of supported data sources for Zoho Analytics. Now you can also import data from the following sources:
  • Teradata
  • MongoDB (using BI Connector)
  • ODBC supported databases

Advanced Analytics для HubSpot Marketing

Advanced Analytics for HubSpot Marketing provides a complete analysis of your marketing data. As a marketer, you analyze how good your email campaigns and blogs are. You can also analyze your web traffic and get insights on how you can improve.

Advanced Analytics for HubSpot Marketing includes over 100 pre-built reports and dashboards on your HubSpot Marketing data to help you get started analyzing right away.

Synchronizing a new field in Advanced Analytics for ads
in Facebook Ads

Zoho Analytics now supports synchronization of the following fields in Ad Account Insights, AdSet Insights, Ad Insights, and Campaign Insights modules.
  • Cost per Purchase
  • Cost Per Initiate Checkout
  • Purchase ROAS
  • Offsite Purchase Conversion Value
  • Onsite Purchase Conversion Value
  • Omni Purchase Conversion Value

Auditing all actions in Business App Connectors

Audit all actions performed in the Connector of the configured Workspace over the last 180 days. You can get an audit history of all actions taken by all users, such as creating, editing, adding an administrator, synchronizing data, and reauthenticating the connector (including automatic changes such as disconnecting or reconnecting connectors using Zoho Analytics, depending on your service plan changes).

To do this, you need:
  1. Open the appropriate Workspace in Zoho Analytics.
  2. Click Data Sources in the left pane.
  3. The Data Sources page opens. Click Audit History.
4. a dialog window opens with the audit history of the last 180 days with the following information
  • Date and time of action
  • Action performed
  • The user who performed the action
zoho analytics business connector

Advanced Analytics for Zoho Commerce

zoho commerce and zoho analytics integration
Advanced Analytics for Zoho Finance suites now also support Zoho Commerce. This will help you to manage your online store effectively and market it with ease. You can also deeply analyze various aspects of your business such as store management, order processing, inventory tracking, shipment management, etc.

Advanced Analytics for Zoho Commerce includes out-of-the-box reports and dashboards with data about your Zoho Commerce activities to help you start analyzing right away.

Synchronization history

sync history zoho analytics
Now Zoho Analytics provides the ability to view the data synchronization history for your business application connectors.

The data synchronization history of the last 45 days is now available in the calendar. Successful and failed synchronizations will proportionally highlight certain data in green and red, respectively. Hover the mouse pointer to see how many times the data was synchronized on a particular date.

Advanced Analytics for Teamwork CRM

Zoho advanced analytics for teamwork crm
Advanced Analytics for Teamwork CRM empowers you by providing deep sales analytics on your CRM data. This integration helps you track key sales performance indicators and optimize sales team performance.

Advanced Analytics for Teamwork CRM includes over 50 out-of-the-box reports and dashboards on your Teamwork CRM data. The Teamwork CRM Analytics workspace is trained by Ask Zia and can answer your questions with relevant reports within minutes.

Organization Email Address

Email Address of organisation zoho analytics

Zoho Analytics now allows you to send email submissions from organization email addresses (in addition to notifications to умолчанию@zohoanalytics.com). In doing so, you will be able to add multiple email addresses as an organization email address, as well as email reports and dashboards using these addresses.

Synchronization of data every 1 hour for Enterprise plan users

sync of data every hour zoho analytics

From now on, Enterprise plan users will be able to synchronize data using business application connectors every hour.

Implementation of Zoho Analytics and analytical reports
for your queries

We can easily help you set up Zoho Analytics, integrate it with your favorite applications! We can also help you create analytics reports for your queries! To learn more, book a free 30 minute consultation with one of our experts!